Thursday, February 8, 2024

Match Game 1998 (pt 3)

Now that I see there was 160 episodes of this series, I’ll post a few more stand-out episodes (while still hoping the full run shows up somewhere).  The production numbers of the episodes are unknown.


missed a lot more of the episodes than I realized.  But I worked retail at the time and was needed there on weekends (which is when this usually taped).


When I lived in L.A., going to game shows on days off was a fun (but also mostly free) way to spend a day.  A lot of times it was the same small groups of people going back over & over.  Some would even get in to both tapings / all 7 episodes for the day.


The lines for these would begin many hours before you’d be let in (and phones weren’t much of an option then), so everyone would hang out all day.  With delays, it was a long day - but that was great with me as those were always the best shows to be at.


Small groups would end up next door at the Farmer’s Market for lunch (I think there was a small B. Dalton or Walden Books store there too).  It was a good time.


As I was transferring this episode from VHS, I noticed something - different - here.  Nothing bad - it’s actually impressive looking back.


04 - Scott vs Margie

  • One of the contestants stands out to me in this early episode.  Anyone who was at the tapings (including people who worked on the show) will know.

  • This was a really well-played game.

  • Notice how some transitions / intros / responses and other things that always happen a certain way, happen a little different here lol.

05 - Alan vs Henrietta

  • A fun (early) episode involving some audience members.


06 - Tricia vs Andrew

  • Just like all other Kevin Eubanks episodes, you can clearly see him wondering what his agent got him into.


07 - Boonrasi (return) vs Ken

  • This is the return visit for Boonrasi.  Unfortunately I don’t have the original episode she was on (I only have 65 of the 160 episodes).

08 - Russell vs Gabi

  • Episode 160.  :(




If watched in the screen above, the playlist will probably start at the beginning.  These episodes mentioned are the final five episodes in the playlist.




DISCLAIMER:  I only upload episodes of TV series that are completely unavailable in any format (not currently broadcast, streaming or available to purchase in any way) for archival purposes.  If the show suddenly becomes available, all files will be deleted.

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